Online Resources for Catholic Truths

—–1) is a great website to ask questions and discover answers. You can even call into Catholic Answers Live and ask professional and faithful apologists your toughest questions about God, His Church, His Book, the Catholic Faith, etc. Don’t be shy! These apologists (people who can explain well what the Church believes) are here to help. Give them your best shot.

—–2) is all about the Church’s guidance on healthy relationships between men and women. The world around us tells us one thing, but the Church invites us to much more beauty than the world can offer. In fact, it was this invitation to live more beautifully that saved my faith and my life (I am serious). Take your time and really explore this website in depth. There is much treasure here. Also, please dig into the Theology of the Body if you want to know what changed my life forever, because it can change your life for the better also.

—–3) is a great resource for any of us who want to know how the Church defends herself from atheists. Fradd is also excellent at explaining why and how pornography and lust destroys not only the Church, but also destroys everyone: men, women and children. If you think porn is not a big deal, or if you know it is evil but not sure why exactly, then please give Matt Fradd some time to explain and you will be blown away:

—–4) Because Big Media these days is so biased and anti-Catholic, please look at my top recommendations here: Choose Better News.

—–5) Because the YouCat is only a kiddie summary of the summary of the Catholic Faith (aka: the Catechism of the Catholic Church), you can see the CCC here online.

—–6) Saint Paul Street Evangelization is a great ministry that helps faithful Catholics understand and also share their faith with others in a productive way. Seriously explore their resources and take your faith to the streets (this is also my official provider of Miraculous Medals, not to mention I helped design one of their prayer cards!).

—–7) Most importantly, an online Bible in Greek, Latin and English. If you’re looking for a study Bible (with great notes and detailed explanations and citations, check the Revised Standard Version – 2nd Catholic Edition here).

—–8) Lastly, because I am conceited, let me post a link to my blog right here at Here you can keep up with my thoughts and reflections as my faith in God and His Church steers me through life (check out the movie reviews!).

Got something on your mind? Please share! (I care!)